
CKP Menon Prize for Best Paper for “Obstructive Index – A Novel predictor of failure of conservative management in cases of antenatally detected unilateral pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction – A retrospective analysis” at USICON 2019 from 25th – 28th January, 2019 at Bubaneshwar, Odisha

2nd prize in moderated poster session at NZUSICON 2022 – The annual conference of the North Zone chapter of the Urological Society of India, held at Bikaner from 29-31st October 2022.

The USI – Olympus International Travelling fellowship to attend the NAUS Conference 2018 to be held at Kathmandu, Nepal in March 2018

 2nd Prize in PG Quiz Contest at NZUSICON 2018 held at Ludhiana, Punjab in November 2018

2nd Prize – Best Paper of 2019 – Indian Journal of Urology – 2019 Apr;35(2):121

CMC Ludhiana Prize for Best Poster for “Radical Cystectomy and W-shaped ileal orthotopic neobladder reconstruction with serosa-lined tunneled ureteroileal anastomoses: A critical analysis of short-term voiding patterns and urodynamic and functional outcomes.”held at the NZUSICON 2018 held at Ludhiana, Punjab In November 2018.

UAA – EAU – USI Young Urologist Fellowship for the year 2021

BestMCh. Resident of Sanjay Gandhi Post graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow for theyear 2018

2nd Prize in PG Quiz Contest at UAUCON 2018 held on 17th-18th March 2018 at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

2nd Prize in NZUSI got Talent award session at NZUSICON 2022 – The annual conference of the North Zone chapter of the Urological Society of India, held at Bikaner from 29-31st October 2022.

Uro-oncology travelling fellowship to Miami Cancer Institute, Florida in the year 2021 – 2022 under Dr Manoharan Murugesan

2nd Prize for Best Paper for “Mini PCNL vs PCNL – a comparative prospective study” at UAUCON 2019 held from 24th to 26th February 2019, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh

3rd prize for Best Poster for the moderated poster atthe Uro-Oncocon International Conference and Video Workshop held at Lucknow from 28th to 29th April 2018

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